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Chinese for teenagers aged 13 - 19
RESIDENCE - Live in the residence for ages 13-19
HOMESTAY - Live in the home of a local family for ages 15-19
This is the most effective way to become fully immersed into the language and culture of Shanghai.
This option offers very little supervision and teens will expected to travel independently to/from the school each day, normally by public transit.
This option is recommended for the more independant & mature teenager.
Students are allowed to go out by themselves. In certain situations, students must be home by 10pm on weeknights, and 11pm on weekends. Students are expected to spend Sundays with their host family or hang out with friends to explore the city.
Things to consider when choosing the homestay option:
:: Students can stay in a private room or share with another student
:: You will be expected to share the bathroom with the family
:: The homestay will provide breakfast & dinner each day at the home
:: Lunch will be provided at the school or nearby
:: Meals will be local custom
:: Homestays are within 20 - 50 minutes by public transport
:: Each student will be given a key to their lodgings
:: Bed linens and pillows will be provided
:: Please bring towels
:: Students must obey rules & curfews
